Amenities Updates
Please use the information below to prepare for interacting with and using our various amenities during your stay at Buttonwood Campground.
Amenity Operations
- Masks Required
- Follow social distancing guidelines (Stay 6 feet from anyone outside of your household)
- 15 people max in the store at one time
- The window will be available for quick check-in or purchases without entry if you do not have a mask
- Follow social distancing guidelines (Stay 6 feet from anyone outside of your household)
- Max occupancy 60 people
- Masks or protective garment that covers their nose and mouth when not in the water and unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals who are not members of their household.
- Pool opens at 10 am. Please be courteous and limit pool time to an hour and half to give everyone a chance to use the pool. The river is available for overflow. If we have complaints that people are not getting some wanted pool time, we will make people switch every hour and 45 minutes. If that does not work, we will close the pool for everyone.
- Please bring your own chair as chairs will not be provided
- Large canopies will not be put up in order to prevent fighting for shade. Personal easy ups or large umbrellas will not be allowed. We will allow small personal chair umbrellas.
- Follow social distancing guidelines (Stay 6 feet from anyone outside of your household)
- Masks or protective garment that covers their nose and mouth when unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals who are not members of their household.
- Spectators please follow social distancing guidelines (Stay 6 feet from anyone outside of your household)
Gaga Ball
- Ball must be signed out in the office and brought back to the office to be sanitized before another group uses the ball
- Sportsmanship is encouraged in a touchless manner
- Spectators please follow social distancing guidelines (Stay 6 feet from anyone outside of your household)
- Masks or protective garment that covers their nose and mouth when unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals who are not members of their household.
- Maximum of 10 players at a time
Jumping pillow
- Maximum of 10 people at a time. If someone is waiting, we will switch jumpers out every 15 minutes
- Masks or protective garment that covers their nose and mouth when unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals who are not members of their household.
- Wristbands required
- Spectators please follow social distancing guidelines (Stay 6 feet from anyone outside of your household)
Pedal Carts
- Masks or protective garment that covers their nose and mouth when unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals who are not members of their household.
- Wristbands required
- Spectators please follow social distancing guidelines (Stay 6 feet from anyone outside of your household)
Miniature Golf
- Masks or protective garment that covers their nose and mouth when unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals who are not members of their household.
- Can be paid separately but also part of the wristband program
- Clubs will be disinfected upon return to the window
- Masks or protective garment that covers their nose and mouth when unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals who are not members of their household. Masks are required in the shuttle.
- One household at a time in the shuttle. You may drive yourself if you do not want to wait for the shuttle
- Wristband required
- Tubes are going to be located and available at 9:00 am to 5:00pm at the launch point a mile and a half upriver. It is just a quick walk or bike ride to get your vehicle if you choose to not ride the shuttle.
- When you get out of the river at the campground, please place your tube in the wagon